Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

With the new year just arrived, and most of my morning sickness behind me, I thought it was time to reincorporate some of my prayer and Bible times back into the daily routine. Don't criticize though, plenty of other daily routine items fell off the list when I was sick, not just my spiritual ones.
At one point Ken challenged me to really get back to my spiritual disciplines, but it was just too soon. I was still getting sick almost every evening. So I told him that I would get serious again about my spiritual disciplines when I started adding back in my domestic disciplines, hygiene disciplines, and sleeping disciplines. Now I am happy to say that most of those things are coming back into their place in my life, although I am still not rising early (sleeping discipline) and my house is still not as clean as it was before pregnancy (domestic). Oh, and if I'm honest, I don't get dressed every day, some days it is just jammies still (hygiene).
So what is the point of all this information? Because I want you all to know that it has been a while since I've had scheduled and focused time with the Lord.
Today I had some, and it was awesome, awesome, awesome! I've had some regular times with the Lord on and off this whole week, and I can totally tell the difference. It's like the time I detoxed from white sugar, and then when I had a cookie a couple weeks later, I got the biggest buzz from even the smallest amount of sugar.
It has really been that good. It has also made my heart really more thankful about other things. Tonight as I was cooking dinner and just letting my mind wander, I started thinking about the things that I love in my life.
So here is a little list I compiled of a few of the random things that came to mind:

  • chopping fresh veggies by hand and smelling the fresh smells -especially sweet peppers, cucumbers and  celery
  • sharpening new pencils to perfection
  • grocery shopping - since I love to cook, when I shop I always sort of feel like an artist shopping for inspiring art supplies
  • yarn - the feel, the colors, the weight
  • a clean kitchen - nothing makes me happier than walking into a clean kitchen
  • a hot shower - almost hot enough to be painful
  • bacon - the smell and texture, oh how I love bacon - healthy people, don't hate!
  • oh, and this one is special for today - I love seeing happy kicking babies on the sonogram screen. 
Today I got to see my little baby kicking happily on the sonogram at 15 weeks, and totally amazing! I could see each little rib clearly and the little feet kick, kick, kicking and then the head would come into focus and I could see the jaw muscles and the little spine. Oh how perfectly wonderful. 
Jesus, You are so good to me!!!

So those are just a few of my favorite things - I left out some of the more obvious ones like my husband, my girls, friends and family, etc. Hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

abbie said...

Those are some of my favorite things too! So cool that you got to see your baby kicking and having fun in there!!!